IMPORTANT NOTICE To all our lovely and loyal friends and neighbours who join us at our Messy Church gatherings.
Our next session: Saturday 1st June 3-4.30pm!
Messy Church is a form of Church for children and adults in which you will find creativity, celebration, and food!
It happens every couple of months on a Saturday afternoon from 3-4.30pm. We start with lots of different crafts based on a particular theme. This has ranged from Noah’s Ark and Harvest, to ‘Frozen’ and ‘Star Wars’. Following that will be a time of celebration as we sing family worship songs, prayer, and a short fun talk. Concluding with a light meal for everyone!
We all enjoy taking part, and we encourage the children and adults to get involved as a family together. Therefore please note that any children will need to be accompanied by an adult.
It’s all-age, it’s fun, and we hope especially its about Jesus too.